Thursday 5 January 2012

Epic Bubbl

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Illustration © Melanie Winning 2011.

The Wellcome gallery on Euston road, London has wonderfully curated exhibition of Mexican Votive paintings. At the end of the show, the curators invite viewers to contribute an experience they would like to see commemorated in a votive painting. I wrote a brief description (see below) and was touched and moved when I was contacted by illustrator Melanie Winning explaining she had used my story for a votive image. She also described how moved some of the viewers are and how touching it is.  I am very touched to see Melanie’s interpretation of the energy of that experience.  It feels very resonant and “true” as an authentic response to a heart being broken open into fullness. Thank you Melanie. 

I would like to give thanks for the beauty and poignancy of my lover who died in my arms while we made love.  He was young and fit and healthy.  It was a rather new love so remains in a perfect trouble free bubble. He died of a massive heart attack, so I did not know he had died so much as...well..I thought he was just blissed out and happy and resting....having a tantric moment.  The gratitude is not for his dying.  That has taken me years to get over. The gratitude is for the grace with which he passed and the beauty of this experience for me.  There was a huge blessing in being chosen to midwife this powerful passing... and for it to be without any constriction or pain. I will never be afraid of death and this experience, in many very real ways, gave me my life back in a much more vibrant and whole and real way.
Katheryn Trenshaw, Devon, 3 am Good Friday 2004. For Nigel and my son for his great patience for me at this time.

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