Friday, 7 May 2010

Yoga of what is

Having moments of calm in the midst of what seems to be some sort of existential crisis. Missed my yoga practice today AGAIN...Have not done much exercise in these last few challenging weeks... pitifully little. And yet, I had an inspired remembering moment standing outside of the locked Center door: I remembered to simply go about my numerous tasks as a yoga of presence practice. And I succeeded from time to time.

This is much more helpful, powerful and sustainable than all of my normal coping strategies.... that and to keep noticing what is actually happening and then, only then, considering actions that need to take place.... all the while focusing on how rather than what I am doing. Its a dance.

Right NOW, and as a direct result of remembering this again, I am loving THIS that is actually happening. It is sunny. I have "failed" to get as much work done today as I had hoped and done other things with great zest and joy. My son comes back in a few moments and I have no idea what I will cook. Oh, that is not true...I bought fresh scallops on the market today as well as bass fillets, fresh green beans and luscious French lemon zest and corianger dressed olives. The sun has been glorious and the grass I sowed is actually coming up all fresh and green in spite of the over hard soil from winter mud and clay content. The goldfish are beautiful under the changeable cloud specked sky like a mag
magnificent movie installation.

What's more, all 5 chickens produced an egg today. And I am clutter clearing and spring cleaning.

Here is a slice of my life today.

Living this has a simple effect of opening my heart.


Saturday, 1 May 2010

Mundane Magic

I am eating the most amazing brunch all of which comes from my wonderful garden. Perky miniature fresh salad leaves of about 15 varieties along with chives create an oeuvre of color at the side of my orange and blue plate. The eggs I collected fresh and warm from the chickens lovingly called the collective "girls" are mixed with fresh rosemary and herbs. All this topped with Devon goats cheese and a bit of salsa prepared earlier from a jar. Magic!

PS Just so that all good things are in balance, I am also drinking the most exquisite coffee which comes from far far away ( Dubai in fact) which I bought on a stopover on the way back from India with my son in January. Lest anyone think I was too "good" in terms of carbon footprints in the sand, this should take care of that.